We have pleasure informing you that revised v1.0 Draft Final LoA DC Pensions Fulfilment, XML, CSV and JSON and OpenAPI Standards have been published to the Criterion website and the Standards are available via the links below.

The LoA DC Pensions Fulfilment Standards have been revised due to updates required to the new Provide Money-In and Provide Asset Holdings microservices associated with these Standards.

1]  https://www.criterion.org.uk//ReceiveLoAFulfilmentDCPensions LoA DC Pensions Fulfilment Standards v1.0 Draft Final

2]  https://www.criterion.org.uk/ProvideMoneyIn Provide Money-In Standards v1.0 Draft A

3]  https://www.criterion.org.uk/ProvideAssetHoldings Provide Asset Holdings Standards v1.0 Draft A

The contents of these DC Pensions Fulfilment Standards’ deliverables are described in the published ‘readme’ document, available in each of the Standards listed above.  This ‘readme’ document also refers to the existing Retrieve Documentation XML Standard (https://www.criterion.org.uk/retrievedocumentation) which supports the exchange of documents between Trading Partners.